Sunday, July 20, 2008

A woman's heart

When I heard it , I felt like I were out of the game; like I dont feel any connection between he and I , my grandpa . It is very very long time , I havent seen him any more and now what I heared is "grandpa is dying" . It is normal ! Nothing special as for me . I guess if he were beside me and see me growing up day by day or at least stay here sometimes , I might feel something for him . I cant even say "poor for him now" . How bad ! So he is staying in the village hospital . Maybe sooner or later , Dad , uncles and aunts will come to see soon . I will not come . yeah I guess so . Long time ago I thought the next time I see him would be at the funeral . Yeah ! Now I say poor for him ! I wonder what made a man left his 7 children to live with a woman of 5 private kids . How cruel man ! Karma ! Now he got what he deserves huh ? I dont know . I dont have rights to judge him . An over 70 or 80 (sorry grandpa I dont know your age, I just know grandma's) is still wearing wedding ring to his step wife when he comes to our house and ask for money . Cant believe this ! Aw !