Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday!

For a close friend

Dear "mi"!

I know it is so late when you receive my gift this evening coz your b'day was over since Mar 27. However, I still want to bring you something not because I should or I have to. I just want you keep something from my side because who knows what will be will be. A Marc Levy book which I still have not yet read but I can see the excitement in your eyes when you talk about it. I intended to buy you a ring. Yeah, I know it seems ridiculous but be aware that I am never about to ask for your hand. No way! but I hope you still remember what I promised. I did keep my promise with G. and now you. But it is okay. May be next year.
The last thing I want to say that ...I know you never can read these messages hahaha

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